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Saturday, August 21, 2010

What we've been doing lately...

What have we been up to? The boy had a pre-party party the Wednesday before his birthday with our friends. We went to Culver's for food, cake and presents--then to Island Park where we got caught in the rainstorm that eventually flooded MP. We were home safe and sound before the flooding, thank goodness! We have taken in two Loons games over the past two weeks. Our boy is a big fan of Lou E. and "B Ball" games and most importantly the play area at the stadium. Friday we "showed" Buddy in a pet show at Warwick Living Center where G.G. (great grandma) lives. Buddy was the biggest and barkiest dog there. There were seven entrants and Buddy won "Best in Show" (of course, every dog was given an award). Drew had a great time and thought it was lots of fun...and so it goes...

we had to stop at McDonalds and get a "fuit soothie" before going to Culvers...

singing his ABCs in Culvers...

The first Loons game with grampie...

cotton candy!

Lou E. took my shoes, then gave me a foot massage...ah...kinda strange...but Drew missed the whole performance cuz he was at the play area with Daddy!

Giving Lou E. "five"

The second Loon's game on Thursday...sponsored by Mike's work...they were in the Northern Lights Pavilion, but had seats up-top, so we went over and hung out in the lawn area behind center field.

more cotton candy...

rolling down the hill...

And finally...the dog show!

all tired out after the "big show!"

Monday, August 16, 2010

Ludington camping trip...

We had a great time in Ludington camping a few weeks ago. The boy did not believe we were really camping because we were in a motor home not "in those blue things with sleeping bags." His idea of camping is tents and sleeping bags. We had lots of fun on the beach--where we made "sand angels" along with our sand castles, and at the marina pool with grampie and we saw a big Coast Guard ship and lots of fun at the community playground and went on bike rides and watched the Badger come in made s'mores by the campfire...

the boy's idea to pretend he was snatching veggies out of the basket...

sand angel...

some of my favorite shots...
