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Tuesday, July 19, 2011

A Momma and her Babies...

After leaving GG's the other day, Drew and I happened upon a sweet momma deer and her two adorable fawns. I pulled up to the corner, looked for cars and instead spotted this trio standing in the grass. I backed up (yes, I made sure there was no one behind me) and parked at the side of the road. I hopped out of the truck, opened the back door and rummaged for my camera. Drew and I were headed to the lake so my truck was piled high and I literally had to crawl over things to find my camera bag and haul out my camera. I had a fixed lens on, not a zoom, but decided it wasn't worth the hassle to change at that point. I walked towards them and they seemed interested in me and not particularly scared or nervous. I snapped a few pictures and slowly walked toward them--then decided I needed my zoom if I really wanted to get a good close-up. I was thinking there was no way they were going to wait around for me to change lenses and come back for another shot...but, guess what, they did! I felt very honored that they chose me to take their family portrait that day. Thanks Deer Family!

Tuesday, July 5, 2011


(mel·an·chol·y      noun   /ˈmelənˌkälē/)
A deep, contemplative manner of looking at life...
