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Wednesday, January 27, 2010

a good resolution gone bad...

I did make a resolution to blog more often this year and it hasn't happened yet, but I am NOT giving up hope! My friend Leilani so sweetly encourages me by mentioning that she hasn't seen a new blog post in a while--what she is really saying is "get off your ass and do something woman!" So, I will make the excuse that I was in Texas for two weeks this month, AND I am currently reorganizing my office and house AND I do have a 2.5 year old, 3 dogs and a husband to keep me busy! But, enough of that--Here are a mishmash of photos that I took while in Texas... Enjoy!

Here are Daddy and Drew coloring while we are waiting at the airport in Grand Rapids...
Drew NOT looking at me because I want to take his picture...

Drew and my nephew Matthew's dog Abbe--Drew loved her! He has not met a dog yet that he didn't like!

My two handsome nephews Michael and Matthew who live in Texas

Ice on the lake! Ridiculous, we are in Texas, leave the ice fishing in Michigan! Okay, so it wasn't THAT thick--but I wanted to go where the weather was waaaarm!

My brother-in-law's sailboat...

One of my favorite things to photograph--a tree skeleton!

My sister thought Drew would have fun playing on this turtle, but not in the cold, rainy weather we had down there...

Don't ask me why, but I really like this picture for some reason...

Chloe, my sister's Coton de Tulear (sp?) She is a sweetheart...

Looking out the door/window at my sister's place...

Drew pouring "ice" out of a cup, not water! LOL!

Peek-a-boo! I see you!

Zoe, the baby of my sister's family and the main reason Drew wanted to go to Texas, "to see Zo-Zo!" She wouldn't sit still for a picture, so I took this while holding her and had my camera turned upside down so I could hit the button!

MeMe joined us in Texas from Missouri. Drew nick-named her MeMe when she was in Michigan for his birthday, while in Texas he started calling her Meem...

The boy being adorable as usual and cooperative...

One of these days I am going to get a good picture of Drew and Texas Longhorns, but as you see, this was taken from the truck with the Longhorns WAAAAY in the back. Hee!

Look at me Uncle Terry!

Miscellaneous items in a cup on a desk... guess I was bored at the moment...

Tired boy!

self explanatory...

The End!

Next blog will be posted... ummmmm... well... I do not want to make a promise I may not keep, so... until next time! :)


  1. What a fastastic trip! It's nice to see some artistic shots :)Until next time....

  2. Thanks for saying that your husband does nothing to help you out. I can read between the lines. ha ha Love Ya.

  3. Some of these pictures are really beautiful. I'm glad you and Aunt Bren and Grandma had fun, too bad it wasn't warmer.

