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Thursday, March 4, 2010

Happy Birthday to you! Happy Birthday to you!

Birthday portraits for one two-year old, and two one-year olds! What fun! The little angel is my one-year old nephew. He spent the night at our house and first thing in the morning I took him down to the studio and started snapping away. That probably explains some of his less-than-overjoyed looks. My two-year old little guy came right in, sat down and got'r'dun! His dad helped him out with the promise of a tickle-monster which really made him smile. Dad sat in for a couple pictures and so did Ky-Ky. My one-year old little miss, was ready to show me her spunk from the moment she arrived. What a sweetheart she is! Don't let the serious face in the first photo fool you...she was giggling, and hollering and whooping it up! Whew!

I absolutely adore this photo!

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