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Monday, March 28, 2011

Thursday, March 24, 2011

The Old Days and Mally makeup...a two-part blog

Part One:
I placed an order with the Home Shopping Network (and let me assure you I have only done this like 3 times in my life). They asked for my email address...I hesitated (thought about my in-box being inundated with thousands of HSN promo emails) and said that I did not have one. So, 5 or 6 days go by and I am anxiously waiting for my order to arrive. I am starting to get concerned...I haven't received any emails from HSN...no order confirmations, no shipping updates...NOTHING! What if they lost my order, what if my order was never even processed--why haven't I received emails telling me with great detail every step that my order has taken from the time I hung up the phone with the nice lady from HSN to now. Then....it FINALLY dawns on me--I refused to give them my email address! THEN I realize there WAS a time before email, before in-boxes, when people used to wait for their shipments to arrive with every confidence--and no email confirmations. We were not notified when the shipment left, when it was expected to arrive, when it was delayed--we just went on blind faith that it would be delivered! Huh--imagine that, and my package came the next day! Wow--what a concept!

Part Two:
Now, about the package. Early one morning I went to the basement to fill the pellet stove. I clicked on the TV so Drew could watch PBS and the HSN channel was on...I heard things like: make-up, bullet-proof, no raccoon eyes...they had me at "hello." Needless to say, I ordered "mally" makeup--had no clue who the chick was/is--a makeup artist for the stars or something. Anyways I hesitated slightly, my little voice telling me I was a "SUCKER" if I dialed that phone number...but I muzzled the voice and dialed the phone. Had a nice lady talk me through the ordering process and several anxious days later (see above) my mally makeup arrived. I LOOOOOOOOVE it! And am sorry I didn't take them up on the offer to buy two more months supply at the same price. This make-up rocks! They even sent me an extra mascara and lip pencil to "share the love" which I did with my niece Brooke. It does everything she claims it will and more! A Holla' out to my girl Mally. (I don't normally "holla'" at anyone, but she deserves it!) LOL

Sunday, March 20, 2011

A Little Fun with my new LENS...

 Caught Budder Bean taking a nap out front. Twisted the barrel of my lens while taking the pic at a slow shudder speed and got this cool effect. It kind of makes me woozy when I look at it too long! Hee!

Friday, March 18, 2011

I am in LOOOOOOOOVE! with my new lens...

My hubs and I made a trip to Norman Camera shop in Grand Rapids last Saturday. (My friend and fellow photog pal Leilani Tucker has been raving about this place, well, ever since I met her! She also recommended I buy the lens that we were on our way to purchase. We finally found time in our schedule to take a road trip to GR and buy the lens. Each time the Nuvi had us turn on another road that brought us closer to our final destination it amped up my excitement another notch. Finally we arrived--MECCA! I hopped out of the truck and went right in (they were quite busy) and we had to wait a bit for someone to help us...I strolled over to the tri-pods to while away some time. Soon, hubs gave a holla and it was TIME! I scurried over to the counter, boldly told the man what I would like...the Canon 2.8 24-70mm L series lens. Finally it was in my hands. I slipped it onto my camera body, snapped a couple of pics and said "I'll take it!" He gave me a quick look, and I explained that I had already tried it out by renting one from Lens Giant, so I knew that it was for me. I felt like a star, on the way out other customers were looking at me, nodding their heads, telling me it was a great purchase, a good choice, that I would love the lens. Wow! Can't wait to go back and get my tripod--the Manfrotto! Thanks Hubs for believing in me and gifting me with this wonderful lens!

Thursday, March 3, 2011

Go For the GREEN!

This month's special will be all about the green!
 Anyone who has an appointment for the
month of March will receive
a $30 print credit with their order!
(Order must be placed within one week of session and a minimum purchase of $100 to receive print credit, additional restrictions may apply.)

